Kobuchihama Starting to Move into Temporary Homes

Finally the small fishing village of Kobuchihama is getting temporary homes. From August the first could start moving in to their new, but temporary, homes. However this has some complications.

From living together in group where all costs were shared to now living with only your family or alone. It also means many people need to get hold of things all of us take for granted in a home. But without any means to pay for it since they still have not got their fishing industry going. Resulting in that the only means to get an income is to go to the mainland and clean up areas that was destroyed by the tsunami. For that each person get 2000 JPY a day.

This also means the help we provide have changed. In the beginning they did not have anything. So the most urgent and important things to help out with at that time was water and food. But now they have a small income and food supplies reach the area so there is food available in grocery stores etc. Some still need help with the basic things for starting their new life in the temporary homes though.

With the help from Ishihara-san, we have shipped a few things directly to some families that recently moved into their new temporary homes. The basic need is to be able to keep it clean so they had asked for help getting vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers, and air cleaner. You can find the details here.

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