Moloa’a & Anini Beach

Drove to Moloa’a beach which is next to the Larsen beach on the east shore. It is located in an isolated and quiet area surrounded by green green green trees and bushes. We spent most of the day here relaxing and reading and swimming.

Johan in the sun Moloa'a beach

By 1:30 pm or so we packed our things and went to the Anini beach about 5 miles further north. It is a quite beautiful beach with very shallow and calm water. It is famous for the special shell that is used for bracelets and other things. You can find people laying on the beach collecting the small shells.

However, today there were no shell collectors. Perhaps because this weekend is Labor weekend. And Americans usually spend time with their families going out BBQing. The camp site at Anini beach for instance was full of locals BBQing. You could see that they were locals because their cars were not rental cars. Mainly big pickups and some old ordinary cars too.

On our way home we stopped at Foodland to buy some groceries for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow. At home we had Kalbi BBQ again. Leftovers from the other day – it seems that Chie and I don’t eat as much as what is the normal American package at the grocery store. We had edamame (soya bean) and tomato salad as a side dish. Very yummy!

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