Puka-Shell Beach Again

We spent another wonderful day at the Puka-Shell beach today. It was sunny as usual, the sand was warm and nice as usual, and the water was clear and cooling in the hot sun. It is strange how you really cannot get enough of this… Laying on a beach doing nothing but relaxing, reading, talking, swimming.

In difference from our first time we went to the Puka-Shell beach this time we took a tricycle. Fun and cheap. At around 2pm we took a tricycle back to the hotel. My stomach was not complete back to normal yet so I wanted to take it easy with the sun and relax at the hotel before going out for dinner.

Boracay house Boracay house
Boracay house Traffic chaos

Tonight we went back to the Mexican restaurant Manana. We really wanted to have the Manana salad again. It was such a great salad. When we were having our dinner a dirty woman with a kid in her arms came up to us and begged for money. We did not know how to react. We did not know how this was treated in Philippines and did not want to do anything wrong. We were saved by one of the waitresses that gave her some money and we paid the waitress back when we got the bill.

But it got me thinking. I have no idea really of how to solve the situation for all the poor people over the world. I really don’t just want to give them money without knowing that they will really use it for food and shelter and not for alcohol or drugs. Anyway, I thought that one way could be to start a foundation in a place like Boracay and families without money and shelter could get that from the foundation with the condition that their children would go to school (also financed by the foundation).

The idea would be to not just give something without requiring some kind of payback. That’s the condition. The payback in this case would be for the kids to go to school, which is actually not a payback to the foundation itself but to the society and to them selfs. But of course for this to work at all there needs to be a foundation and a plan on where to start and how to expand in order to help as much as possible. But I truly believe that just giving money will not help at all.

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