Poipu Beach

First real day at Kauai this time. Chie and I went to Poipu Beach. Most of the day we spent reading, relaxing, and swimming. Chie also made some snorkeling while I swam beside her. It was fun time.

Fish at Poipu beach

In the afternoon a Hawaiian Monk Seal came to visit. The life guards quickly put up some rope to fence the area so that the seal could have some quality time by himself at the beach. Later he got company by one of his friends. This, the life guard said, is not so common since they are mostly by them selfs. It is quite fascinating to watch them. So quite… And lazy. A little bit like Chie and me.

Hawaiian monk seal at Poipu beach    Hawaiian monk seal at Poipu beach

Hawaiian monk seals at Poipu beach    Hawaiian monk seal and Chie at Poipu beach

Before returning home we visited the Marriot hotel bar to have a Mai Tai for Chie and a Mango Smoothie for me. Tasted great under the palm trees. Much better than being at the office I would say, even though some of my work colleagues tried to convince me I was better of staying at home.

Chie at Marriot's bar at Poipu beach Johan and a Mango smoothie

On our way back to the Poipu Plantation Resort we saw a sea turtle in the water. We stopped the car and went out to watch. It was not one turtle. It was at least three of them. Swimming around and eating sea grass or whatever they eat. The most amazing thing with the sea turtles is that they seem so clumsy on land but are so gracious in the water. And they are eating among the rocks while quite big waves come crashing in. And with full control of where they and where the rocks are.

Later we had oven baked salmon on a bed of vegetables. I had to go to the grocery store twice to get all the ingredients. That is the price you pay when you are “baka’ (stupid).

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