Having a Walk with Coco in Tokorozawa

We got away a little bit earlier than usual this morning. And could arrive in Tokorozawa about 30 minutes before our usual schedule. Before doing anything else we had tea and Japanese sweets.

In the afternoon I took Coco out for a walk in the beautiful weather. Blue sky and clear air. Coco was reluctant to walk at first, as he usually is. But then he started to sniff around and seemed to enjoy it.


In the evening we had grilled fish (焼き魚) with rice, miso soup and pickled vegetables. It was my favorite grilled fish called buri in Japanese but I have no idea what it is called in English or Swedish. I helped out making the pickled vegetables. And Coco wanted to help as well so he pressed his head between my legs.


After the dinner he expressed his thanks for playing with him by pressing his butt into my face while we were resting.

Coco and Johan

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