
Today we lett Amsterdam for Eh, where my grandmother’s summer house is located. Just at the end of a dirt road next to the lake. It is very quiet here and we are usually able to sleep a lot. This time was no exception 🙂

Between sleeping we ate good home cooked food. And read. Both Chie and I have started on Anne Frank’s diary that we bought in Amsterdam. Chie also spent some time playing on her Nintendo DS.

It was a bit cold so most of the time I had a jacket on while sleeping or reading outside. Chie spent a lot of time inside because it was too cold outside 🙂

When we did not eat, sleep, or rest we spent time talking with grandmother and John, and going through pictures of events since we met them the last time, 2 years ago.

It was great to see grandma and John again. And as always we had a fun time and could relax a lot.