Coco – The “Very Special” Dog

Chie and I went to Yasaka for dinner today. As usual we talked about many different things while eating and relaxing. One of the subjects were Coco. When he was a puppy I was not in Japan more than on short vacations.

Chie and her mother wanted to teach Coco some manner so they brought him to a manner school. When they picked him up after a week they were greated by the principle of the school. She handed them Coco and said that Coco is a “very special” dog.

At first Chie and her mother were pleased. Coco was not only special but “very special”. It turned out that “very special” most often is not a positive adjective. It became obvious when the school refunded the tuition fee Chie had paid. And Coco continued to behave as the “very special” dog he is.

I laughed so much I almost dropped of the chair at Yasaka. It was like a Holywood movie. But for real. And both Chie and I agree that Coco is “very special”… And we LOVE him.