Community Manager Workshops

This week has been quite busy so far. It started off with a workshop on Community Management on Monday and Tuesday. The workshops were the completion of an idea I got 1.5 years ago while attending an Open Source Think Tank in Napa Valley. At that time I met Jono Bacon, the Community Manager for Ubuntu and got the idea that he could come and have a talk with us about what it means to be a Community Manager.

One and a half years later he’s been here and had the talk, and it was better than anticipated 🙂

For anyone that wonders what community managers do, you can have a look at Jono’s book that is available for free here. It’s available under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Wednesday was also dedicated to Jono’s visit. We had a round table discussion on what community management could mean to SONY. After the round table discussion we headed directly to Keio University so Jono could talk for a group of students there. I joined because I wanted to show Sony Mobile’s openness and support for open source.


After the talk at the Keio University we had a quick dinner with some of the students before we sent Jono to the airport for his flight back to California.