Ke’e Beach

When we woke up in the morning it looked like it was going to rain all day long. But after checking the weather on the Internet we found out that good weather was on its way. Even in the north. So we decided to go to Ke’e beach, the last beach of the north shore.

It took us an hour and a half to get there and the few parking spots available was occupied. We took a side (dirt) road and found a spot where someone was just leaving. Lucky us.

We spent the day at the beautifully Ke’e beach. Snorkeling. Relaxing. Reading. Enjoying the sun. Enjoying the views of the green and steep mountains surrounding the Ke’e beach. And what seemed to be a rainy day turned out to be a blue-sky day.

Chie and johan at Ke'e beach Butt

On our way home we stopped at the Foodland again, one of the best grocery stores on Kauai. We bought edamame (soya beans), fruits, and salad. And Sobe, of course.


Finally at home we had Italian herb chicken for dinner. With soya bean salad and bread. Yummy!

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