
Joined Andreas and a friend of his, Jonas, at Shinagawa station, actually I joined Andreas already at 7F at the office. From Shinagawa station we took bus number 5 to the Ginga Theatre where we met Chie.

We were going to watch Gamarjobat and their G10 show. G10 because it is their tenths anniversary. Gamarjobat shows are difficult to explain but a mix of silent comedy, street show, and theatre without words but with full body control.

They are always hilariously fun. And this show was no exception. Jonas got a yellow card because he did not catch what he was asked to do 😀

Before and the show Jonas, Andreas, Chie and I had dinner at an Irish pub just outside the theatre. We had dinner again after the show at the same pub. But now with Non and Ryo too.

At 10 pm we decided to return to Meguro, where we stopped at Andreas favorite bar. We stayed there until it was way past my bedtime.

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