Tea Ceremony

In May I got my official certificate as a second level tea ceremony master. But today we kind of celebrated that by holding a tea ceremony with my sensei. I did the koicha (thick tea) for about 8 guests. Luckily they enjoyed the taste of my tea (the most important thing), and I made no mistakes in preparing it πŸ™‚

I had on a formal kimono and hakama, and it was very new or full of starch so it did not fold properly when I sat down. It got in the way everywhere πŸ™‚

Though I was quite exhausted afterwards (up at 5:30 am to get dressed) it was fun, and I am happy everything went so well. Though it is quite easy as a foreigner and a guy since most Japanese get very easily impressed when a foreign guy can do tea πŸ™‚

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