KAN in Naka-Meguro

In the morning we went to Misukoshi in Ginza to buy a Mon-Chou-Chou roll cake for Mina-semsei. Chie and Mina-sensei have had a discussion about which roll cake is the best so they decided that the next time they meet they will bring one each and have a competition. That was the reason for going to Ginza this morning.

When we arrived there about an hour after opening it was already a long line for the Mon-Chou-Chou. We got in line and waited… And waited… And waited… And… For an hour. By the end of our waiting they started to hand out numbered cards. These was the number of roll cakes that was still remaining. We could get 3 roll cakes, just as many as we wanted. One for the manager at YASAKA and his kids. One for Mina-sensei and the roll cake competition. And one for Chie, me, and Yoshiki-san.

In the evening Chie and I walked to KAN in Naka-Meguro (they have a branch in Ginza too). We were the first to arrive, except the staff of course, but after 5 minutes Mina-sensei arrived as well. Then we had a delicious Japanese style dinner with a great “home made” ginger ale. Well I had the ginger ale and Chie and Mina-sensei had beer and chouchu (Japanese alcohol made of potato).

Mina, Johan, and Chie at KAN in Naka-Meguro

After our dinner at KAN we walked back to Chie’s apartment were we had a roll cake competition. Chie and Mina-sensei also drank some Swedish glögg (Swedish glüwein) that I had brought. Both roll cakes were really delicious but maybe the roll cake we had to wait one hour in line for was just a little bit better.

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