Final Class at GLOBIS

Today I had my final class at GLOBIS. Well, it was not the last class but in two weeks when the actual final class is then I’ll be on a business trip to California, USA.

As usual I was riding my bike passed the Tokyo Tower and Chie’s office. As usual I was calling her when I was at her office, but today she was in a meeting and did not call me back until I had already passed her office by half a kilometre.

Tokyo Tower

I had a short stop at MacDonald’s for a quick dinner. I was a bit late today because I had hold a training just before I had to leave the office.

The usual suspects showed up at the class. And one of the guys, he is from New Zealand,had brought Mermite with him. It is some fermented vegetable paste similar that smells pretty bad though the taste is not that bad. He mentioned that the only Mermite factory in New Zealand was hit pretty hard by the big earthquake there a while back and had to stop the production for a while. The whole country got crazy as they all seem to be hooked on Mermite 🙂


After the class I joined for the nomika (drinking party). My plan was to join for 30 minutes to drink a mineral water. I did have the mineral water but I got stuck in a discussion with people there and stayed a bit too late. I was quite tired when I rode my bike home.

Critical Thinking – Day 4

After work today I went to the fourth Critical Thinking class at GLOBIS. As usual I was riding my bike, and as usual I was passing by Tokyo Tower. Besides the view of Tokyo Tower, I also had an interesting class where we handed in a report and covered how to do analysis.

Tokyo Tower

Once the class finished at 10 pm everyone went for nomikai (drinking party). I joined for a glass of bubbly water before I rode my bike back home.