If You Have to Go, You Have to Go

A funny thing about the dog that was found alive floating on and island of debris, do you know what the first thing she did once she was found? She peed in the stretcher (see the video in the Saved Dog blog post – 53 seconds in). I guess that if you have to go, you really have to go 😉

Saved Dog

For some reasons it seems news papers around the world do not report happy news from Japan. So I try to rely what was big news in Japan yesterday.

A dog was found 3 weeks after the earthquake. Floating around on an island of debris in the ocean. It seemed like she was quite happy to reunite with her owner again 🙂


Saw a dog today that was really… Well, needy. He was walking his owner across a street, two lanes in each direction and cars everywhere waiting for a green light. Then he sat down… In the middle of the road and… Hmm, pooped. Just as the red light turned green.

I have never seen a dog owner so stressed before. Hurrying to pick up poop after her dog and run to safety 😀

Coco – The “Very Special” Dog

Chie and I went to Yasaka for dinner today. As usual we talked about many different things while eating and relaxing. One of the subjects were Coco. When he was a puppy I was not in Japan more than on short vacations.

Chie and her mother wanted to teach Coco some manner so they brought him to a manner school. When they picked him up after a week they were greated by the principle of the school. She handed them Coco and said that Coco is a “very special” dog.

At first Chie and her mother were pleased. Coco was not only special but “very special”. It turned out that “very special” most often is not a positive adjective. It became obvious when the school refunded the tuition fee Chie had paid. And Coco continued to behave as the “very special” dog he is.

I laughed so much I almost dropped of the chair at Yasaka. It was like a Holywood movie. But for real. And both Chie and I agree that Coco is “very special”… And we LOVE him.