Another Week Completed

Another work week completed. Another 82.5 km bicycling done. Feels good. Dr. Feelgood.

Halfway through my bicycling I arrived at the office (the other half is, of course, on my way home). Around 7:15 in the morning. Just enough time to restart my computer to install some software updates before I head to the cafeteria for breakfast at 7:30. To my right I can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. 

I’m Just Waiting on a Friend…

Waiting at the hospital and tried out one of their blood pressure machines to kill the time. Must be broken! I usually get high score in all I do, but not this time 😉

Soon 2 Months

I’ve been at my new job for soon 2 months. Almost every day I ride my bike for a total of 16.5 km round trip per day. So far, around 500 km in total. Only 39,575 km left to circle the world.

How did…

How did people remember where they parked their car before smartphones??? Now it’s enough to remember to take a photo before you go shopping 🙂