Finders, Keepers?

It’s amazing what you find on beaches here in Kauai. When running this morning I found this on the beach. Can I keep it? 🙂

Rainy Day

Spent an hour or so at Kiahuna Beach before it started to rain. The sky looked dark everywhere so we decided to leave and go shopping instead. Before we left though we could watch 3 Hawaiian Monk seals playing in the water. Lovely.

Final Day at Kiahuna

This is the end my friend. The final day. We spent it at Kiahuna. The waves seemed to know it was our last day. They were bigger than usual. And very fun to play in 🙂

Oh, and a monk seal had come to say bye too. It was cutely sleeping at the end of the beach.

Also, in the evening we learned that Kauai chickens smoke if they get the opportunity. So we were gently asked to not smoke so that they could quit their bad habit.