Yaki-Niku with Andreas

First thing that happened at the office today was that my PC got stuck in trying to connect to our disk server. It needs the connection to synchronize my local documents with the server for backups. Usually there are some minor troubles slowing the PC down. But not like today.

I could not get anything done the first 1.5 hours. My plan was to finish up yesterday’s meeting notes within an hour and get to my Japanese lessen at 9 am. Now I had to cancel the lessons to finish the notes after my PC decided to work properly again… Around 9:30. After I restarted it a few time.

So the day did not start so great. But the ending was really nice.

Chie and I met Andreas at a yaki-niku restaurant in Meguro for dinner. We had a lot of different types of meat, which we grilled over a bed of charcoal. And talked about anything and everything.

We had enjoyed the dinner so much that once it ended it felt too early to end the evening. Instead of going home we took a short taxi ride to Red Pepper in Ebisu.

They are always so friendly at Red Pepper. And this night was not different. We got our own room in a kind of outdoor tent space connected to the kitchen heated by a kerosene heater. In the cosy heat by ourselves we had desert. Grappa for the ladies (sorry Andreas I could not resists it ;-)) and pancakes and ice cream for the man 😛