Pre-Season Party

Though NFL pre-season started a while back it feels like it started today. Black Panther-san, Monlight-san and Mash-san came for our yearly pre-season Raider Nation Japan part.

And this season we have so much good to look forward to. Russel has been kicked, and Cambell is replacing him. And we have been playing well in the first pre-season games.

We have watched a win game against Chicago Bears. For the first time since Super Bowl, that feels like a lifetime ago, the Raiders look sharp 🙂

We are no watching the game against 49:ers. Cambell got injured but Gradkowski steps in a makes a good game. Looks good.

As usual people takes a nap between important talks about the upcoming season, and who is good and who is bad and how lucky we are that Russel is gone.

Raider Nation Japan

Decided! We are going to the KC game in November 🙂 With Russel kicked and Cambell as the QB this is going to be an exciting season. Though it it 4 months and some away.

Anyway, Raider Nation Japan met at Chie’s today. To discuss the upcoming season and to decide what game to watch live this season.

The first people arrived early today as we had a visitor from San Francisco, Shimura-san. And he had to leave already at 3 pm.

We talked. Ate a lot of Japanese food that mostly Chie had prepared, though I did help out a some. And discussed Russel, Cambell, Raiders and nuclear power plants.

And there is no RNJ party without someone falling asleep. Today it was Moonlight-san again. But it’s OK, then he is fresh and happy when he get back home to his wife 😉 While Moonlight-san was sleeping the rest of us was watching football. Last season’s games. One against Cincinnati. A win :-P. And one against KC. A loss 🙁

Shimura-san’s wife was with us almost all the time as well. Via Skype from San Francisco. She could enjoy and join in on our talk. Unfortunately Skype has not invented a way to share food via the Internet… Yet 😉 So Kikue-san had to be satisfied with talking and watching us eat.

Preparing for RNJ

Stayed home from the office today. Didn’t feel 100%.

In the evening I met Chie at the grocery store in Naka-Meguro. Buying groceries for Raider Nation Japan (RNJ). Party tomorrow. To discuss what game to go to in the upcoming season. Just 4 months or so away.

Raider Nation Japan Invades Yoshiman

Hectic day at the office and I was an hour or so delayed for the Raider Nation Japan party at Yoshiman in Ginza. When I arrived they didn’t seem to have missed me much anyway.

Everyone was fully occupied eating, drinking and discussing the season that for the best NFL team just ended, but that for Raiders ended a loooong time ago.

We had a new member joining the party today. And as our tradition is the newcomer fell asleep 😀

After Yoshiman we went looking for a bar. But it is impossible in Ginza… Well, not to find a bar but to find a bar that is not full. We eventually found one but then we all were quite tired. One even went so far as to falling asleep in the bathroom. It was kind of the signal for all of us that it was time to go home.